List of some Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs PDF.
List of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs PDF
sr. | Verbs | Nouns | Adjectives | Adverbs |
1 | Accept | Acceptance | Acceptable | Acceptably |
2 | Accuse | Accusation | Accusing | Accusingly |
3 | Accustom | Custom | Customary | Customarily |
4 | Achieve | Achievement | Achievable | |
5 | Act | Act, Action, Activity | Active | Actively |
6 | Add | Addition | Additional | Additionally |
7 | Admire | Admiration | Admirable | Admirably |
8 | Advise | Advice | Advisable | Advisably |
9 | Agree | Agreement | Agreeable | Agreeably |
10 | Anger | Anger | Angry | Angrily |
11 | Appreciate | Appreciation | Appreciable, Appreciative | Appreciatively |
12 | Approve | Approval | Approving | Approvingly |
13 | Approximate | Approximation | Approximate | Approximately |
14 | Argue | Argument | Arguable, Argumentative | Arguably |
15 | Attend | Attention | Attentive | Attentively |
16 | Attract | Attraction | Attractive | Attractively |
17 | Base | Base, Basis | Basic | Basically |
18 | Beautify | Beauty | Beautiful | Beautifully |
19 | Believe | Belief | Believable | Believably |
20 | Bore | Bore, Boredom | Bored, Boring | Boringly |
21 | Breathe | Breath | Breathless | Breathlessly |
22 | Calm | Calm, Calmness | Calm | Calmly |
23 | Care | Care | Careful, Caring | Carefully, Carelessly |
24 | Centralize | Centre, Centralization | Central, Centralized | Centrally |
25 | Characterize | Character | Characteristic | Characteristically |
26 | Circulate | Circulation | Circular | |
27 | Clean | Cleanliness | Clean | Cleanly |
28 | Clear | Clarity, Clearance | Clear | Clearly |
29 | Collect | Collection | Collective | Collectively |
30 | Colour | Colour | Coloured | Colourfully |
31 | Comfort | Comfort | Comfortable | Comfortably |
32 | Compare | Comparison | Comparable, Comparative | Comparatively |
33 | Compete | Competition | Competitive, Uncompetitive | Competitively |
34 | Complete | Completion | Complete | Completely |
35 | Conclude | Conclusion | Conclusive | Conclusively |
36 | Condition | Condition | Conditional | Conditionally, |
37 | Confide | Confidence | Confident, Confidential | Confidently, Confidentially |
38 | Confuse | Confusion | Confused, Confusing | Confusingly |
39 | Consider | Consideration | Considerable, Considerate | Considerably |
40 | Continue | Continuation, Continuity | Continual, Continuous | Continually, Continuously |
41 | Cool | Cool, Coolness | Cool | Coolly |
42 | Correct | Correction, Correctness | Correct, Corrective | Correctly |
43 | Create | Creation, Creativity | Creative | Creatively |
44 | Criticize | Critic | Critical | Critically |
45 | Dare | Dare | Daring | Daringly |
46 | Darken | Dark, Darkness | Dark, Darkened, Darkening | Darkly |
47 | Deaden | Death | Dead, Deadly, Deathly | Deadly, Deathly |
48 | Deceive | Deceit, Deception | Deceitful, Deceptive | Deceptively |
49 | Decide | Decision | Decided, Decisive | Decidedly, Decisively |
50 | Decorate | Decoration | Decorative | Decoratively |
List of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs Examples
sr. | Verbs | Nouns | Adjectives | Adverbs |
51 | Deepen | Deep, Depth | Deep, Deepening | Deeply |
52 | Defend | Defence | Defensive | Defensively |
53 | Define | Definition | Definite | Definitely |
54 | Demonstrate | Demonstration | Demonstrable, Demonstrative | Demonstrably |
55 | Depend | Dependent, Dependence | Dependable | Dependably |
56 | Describe | Description | Describable | Descriptively |
57 | Destroy | Destruction | Destructive | Destructively |
58 | Determine | Determination | Determined | Determinedly |
59 | Differ, Differentiate | Difference | Different | Differently |
60 | Direct | Direction | Direct | Directly |
61 | Disagree | Disagreement | Disagreeable | Disagreeably |
62 | Disappoint | Disappointment | Disappointed, Disappointing | Disappointingly |
63 | Distance | Distance | Distant | Distantly |
64 | Disturb | Disturbance | Disturbed, Disturbing | Disturbingly |
65 | Doubt | Doubt | Doubtful | Doubtfully |
66 | Dream | Dream | Dreamless, Dreamy | Dreamily |
67 | Dress | Dress | Dressed, Dressy | Dressily |
68 | Drink | Drink, Drunkenness | Drunk, Drunken | Drunkenly |
69 | Ease | Ease, Easiness | Easy | Easily |
70 | Educate | Education | Educated, Educational | Educationally |
71 | Effect | Effect, Effectiveness | Effective | Effectively |
72 | Electrify | Electricity | Electric, Electrical | Electrically |
73 | Embarrass | Embarrassment | Embarrassed, Embarrassing | Embarrassingly |
74 | Emphasize | Emphasis | Emphatic | Emphatically |
75 | Enable | Ability | Able | Ably |
76 | Encourage | Encouragement | Encouraged, Encouraging | Encouragingly |
77 | End | End | Unending, Endless | Endlessly |
78 | Energize | Energy | Energetic | Energetically |
79 | Enjoy | Enjoyment | Enjoyable | Enjoyably |
80 | Enlarge | Enlargement | Large | Largely |
81 | Enrich | Riches, Richness | Rich | Richly |
82 | Entertain | Entertainment | Entertaining | Entertainingly |
83 | Enthuse | Enthusiasm | Enthusiastic | Enthusiastically |
84 | Equalize | Equality | Equal | Equally |
85 | Excel | Excellence | Excellent | Excellently |
86 | Excite | Excitement | Excitable, Excited, Exciting | Excitedly, Excitingly |
87 | Excuse | Excuse | Excusable | Excusably |
88 | Expect | Expectation | Expectant | Expectantly, |
89 | Expend | Expenditure, Expense | Expensive | Expensively |
90 | Experiment | Experiment | Experimental | Experimentally |
91 | Explain | Explanation | Explanatory, Explicable | Inexplicably |
92 | Explode | Explosion | Explosive | Explosively |
93 | Express | Expression | Expressive | Expressively |
94 | Familiarize | Familiarity | Familiar | Familiarly |
95 | Fashion | Fashion | Fashionable | Fashionably |
96 | Fear | Fear | Fearful, Fearless, Fearsome | Fearfully, Fearlessly |
97 | Finalize | Final | Final | Finally |
98 | Fish | Fish, Fishing | Fishy | Fishily |
99 | Fit | Fit | Fitted | Fittingly |
100 | Force | Force | Forceful, Forcible | Forcefully, Forcibly |
Read Also: 1300+ Verb Forms List with Hindi Meaning PDF
sr. | Verbs | Nouns | Adjectives | Adverbs |
101 | Forget | Forgetfulness | Forgetful | Forgetfully |
102 | Formalize | Formality | Formal | Formally |
103 | Frequent | Frequency | Frequent | Frequently |
104 | Freshen | Freshness | Fresh | Freshly |
105 | Frighten | Fright | Frightened, Frightening, Frightful | Frighteningly, Frightfully |
106 | Harden | Hardship | Hard | Hard, Hardly |
107 | Harm | Harm, Harmfulness | Harmful, Harmless | Harmfully, Harmlessly |
108 | Heat, Overheat | Heat | Heated | Heatedly |
109 | Help | Help | Helpful, Helpless | Helpfully, Helplessly |
110 | Hope | Hope | Hopeful, Hopeless | Hopefully, Hopelessly |
111 | Hurry | Hurry | Hurried | Hurriedly |
112 | Hurt | Hurt | Hurtful | Hurtfully |
113 | Ice | Ice | Icy | Icily |
114 | Imagine | Imagination | Imaginable, Imaginative | Unimaginably, Imaginatively |
115 | Impress | Impression | Impressive | Impressively |
116 | Increase | Increase | Increased | Increasingly |
117 | Infect | Infection | Infectious | Infectiously |
118 | Insist | Insistence | Insistent | Insistently |
119 | Instruct | Instruction | Instructive | Instructively |
120 | Intend | Intent, Intention | Intended, Intentional, | Intentionally |
121 | Interest | Interest | Interested, Disinterested, Uninterested, Interesting | Interestingly |
122 | Invent | Invention | Inventive | Inventively |
123 | Invite | Invitation, Invite | Inviting | Invitingly |
124 | Know | Knowledge | Knowledgeable, Known | Knowingly, Knowledgeably |
125 | Laugh | Laugh | Laughable | Laughably |
126 | Legalize | Legality | Legal | Legally |
127 | Lengthen | Length | Lengthy | Lengthily |
128 | Light, Lighten | Light | Light | Lightly |
129 | Locate, | Location | Local | Locally |
130 | Love | Love | Lovable, Lovely | Lovingly |
131 | Lower | Low | Low, Lower | Low |
132 | Man | Man, Mankind | Manly | Mannishly, Manfully |
133 | Mark | Mark | Marked | Markedly |
134 | Match | Match | Matchless | Matchlessly |
135 | Materialize | Material, Materialism | Immaterial, Materialistic | Materially |
136 | Mean | Meaning, Meaningfulness | Meaningful, Meaningless | Meaningfully, Meaninglessly |
137 | Measure | Measurement | Measurable | Immeasurably |
138 | Memorize | Memory | Memorable | Memorably |
139 | Mind | Mind, Mindlessness | Mindless, Mindful | Mindlessly |
140 | Minimize | Minimum | Minimal | Minimally |
141 | Mistake | Mistake | Mistaken | Mistakenly |
142 | Moralize | Moral, Morality | Moral, Moralistic | Morally |
143 | Mother | Mother, Motherhood | Motherly | |
144 | Move | Move, Movement | Movable, Moving | Movingly |
145 | Murder | Murder | Murderous | Murderously |
146 | Name, Rename | Name | Named, Unnamed, Nameless | Namely |
147 | Nationalize | Nation, Nationalization, Nationality | National, Nationalistic | Nationally |
148 | Naturalize | Nature, Naturalist, Naturalization, | Natural, Naturalistic | Naturally |
149 | Necessitate | Necessity | Necessary | Necessarily |
150 | Need | Need | Needy | Needlessly |
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sr. | Verbs | Nouns | Adjectives | Adverbs |
151 | Normalize | Normality | Normal | Normally |
152 | Notice | Notice | Noticeable | Noticeably |
153 | Obey | Obedience | Obedient | Obediently |
154 | Offend | Offence | Offensive | Offensively |
155 | Officiate | Office | Official | Officially |
156 | Open | Openness | Open | Openly |
157 | Operate, Cooperate | Operation | Operational, Operative | Operationally |
158 | Opt | Option | Optional | Optionally |
159 | Originate | Origin | Original | Originally |
160 | Outlaw | Law | Lawful | Lawfully |
161 | Pacify | Peace | Peaceful | Peacefully |
162 | Pain | Pain | Painful, Painless | Painfully, Painlessly |
163 | Part, Impart | Part, Partition | Partial, Impartial | Partially, Partly |
164 | Perfect | Perfection | Perfect | Perfectly |
165 | Personalize, Personify | Person, Personality | Personal, Personalized | Personally |
166 | Persuade | Persuasion, Persuasiveness | Persuasive | Persuasively |
167 | Play, Outplay | Play, Playfulness | Playful, Playable | Playfully |
168 | Please | Pleasure | Pleasant, Pleasurable | Pleasantly, Unpleasantly |
169 | Point | Point, Pointlessness | Pointed, Pointless | Pointlessly, Pointedly |
170 | Politicize | Politics | Political, Politicized | Politically |
171 | Popularize | Popularity | Popular | Popularly |
172 | Power, Empower | Power | Powerful, Powerless | Powerfully |
173 | Prefer | Preference | Preferable, Preferred | Preferably |
174 | Present | Presence, Presentation, | Present, Presentable | Presently |
175 | Privatize | Privacy, Privatization | Private | Privately |
176 | Profit | Profit, Profitability | Profitable | Profitably |
177 | Progress | Progress, Progression | Progressive | Progressively |
178 | Provide | Provision | Provisional | Provisionally |
179 | Publicize | Public, Publicity | Public | Publicly |
180 | Punish | Punishment | Punishable, Punishing | Punishingly |
181 | Purify | Purification, Purity | Pure | Purely |
182 | Question | Question | Questionable | Questionably |
183 | Quieten | Quiet | Quiet | Quietly |
184 | Race | Race | Racial | Racially |
185 | Realize | Realism, Reality | Real, Realistic | Really, Realistically |
186 | Reason | Reason | Reasonable | Reasonably |
187 | Receive | Receipt, Reception, | Receptive, Reciprocal | Reciprocally |
188 | Recognize | Recognition | Recognizable | Recognizably |
189 | Reflect | Reflection | Reflective | Reflectively |
190 | Regret | Regret | Regrettable, Regretful | Regrettably, Regretfully |
191 | Regulate | Regular, Regularity | Regular | Regularly |
192 | Relate | Relation, Relationship | Related, Relative | Relatively |
193 | Rely | Reliability | Reliable | Reliably |
194 | Remark | Remark | Remarkable | Remarkably |
195 | Renew | News, Newness | New, Renewable | Newly, Anew |
196 | Repair | Repair | Irreparable | Irreparably |
197 | Repeat | Repeat, Repetition | Repeated, Repetitive | Repeatedly, Repetitively |
198 | Report | Report | Reported | Reportedly |
199 | Respect | Respect | Respectable, Respectful, Respective | Respectably, Respectfully, Respectively |
200 | Respond | Response, Responsiveness | Responsive | Responsively |
Read Also: Verb Meaning in Hindi
sr. | Verbs | Nouns | Adjectives | Adverbs |
201 | Rest | Rest | Restless, Rested, Restful | Restlessly |
202 | Right | Right, Rightness, | Righteous, Rightful | Right, Rightly, Rightfully |
203 | Romanticize | Romance, Romanticism | Romantic, Romanticized | Romantically |
204 | Roughen | Rough, Roughness | Rough | Roughly |
205 | Round | Round | Round, Rounded | Roundly |
206 | Sadden | Sadness | Sad, Saddened | Sadly |
207 | Satisfy | Satisfaction | Satisfactory, | Satisfactorily |
208 | School | School, Pre-School | Scholastic | Scholastically |
209 | Search, Research | Search, Research | Searchable | Searchingly |
210 | Sense, Sensitize | Sense, Sensibility, Sensitivity, Sensitiveness | Sensible, Sensitive, Sensory | Sensibly, Sensitively |
211 | Separate | Separation | Separable, Separate | Separately |
212 | Shake | Shake, Shakiness | Shaky | Shakily |
213 | Shape | Shape | Shapely, Shaped | Shapelessly |
214 | Sharpen | Sharpness | Sharp | Sharply, Sharpish |
215 | Shock | Shock | Shocking, Shockable | Shockingly |
216 | Shorten | Short, Shortness | Short, Shortish | Shortly |
217 | Shy | Shyness | Shy | Shyly |
218 | Sicken | Sick, Sickness | Sick, Sickly | Sickeningly |
219 | Signify | Significance | Significant | Significantly |
220 | Silence | Silence | Silent | Silently |
221 | Simplify | Simplicity, Simplification | Simplistic | Simply |
222 | Single | Single | Singular | Singly |
223 | Sleep | Sleep, Sleepiness | Asleep, Sleepy | Sleepily |
224 | Socialize | Society, | Sociable, Social | Socially |
225 | Soften | Softness | Soft | Softly |
226 | Solidify | Solid, Solidity | Solid | Solidly |
227 | Specialize | Specialty | Special, Specialized | Specially |
228 | Speed | Speed, Speediness | Speedy | Speedily |
229 | Spot | Spot | Spotted, Spotty | Spotlessly |
230 | Stand, Withstand | Stand, Standstill | Standing, Outstanding | Outstandingly |
231 | Steepen | Steepness | Steep | Steeply |
232 | Stiffen | Stiffness | Stiff | Stiffly |
233 | Strengthen | Strength | Strong | Strongly |
234 | Strike | Strike | Striking | Strikingly |
235 | Structure | Structure, Structuralism | Structural | Structurally |
236 | Study | Student, Study | Studious | Studiously |
237 | Style | Style, Stylishness | Stylish, Stylistic | Stylishly, Stylistically |
238 | Substantiate | Substance | Substantial, Substantive | Substantially |
239 | Succeed | Success, Succession | Successful, Successive | Successfully |
240 | Suggest | Suggestion | Suggestive, Suggestible | Suggestively |
241 | Support | Support, Supportiveness | Supportive, Supporting | Supportively |
242 | Suppose, Presuppose | Supposition | Supposed | Supposedly |
243 | Surprise | Surprise | Surprised, Surprising | Surprisingly |
244 | Suspect | Suspect, Suspicion | Suspected, Suspicious | Suspiciously |
245 | Sweeten | Sweet, Sweetness | Sweet | Sweetly |
246 | Symbolize | Symbol, Symbolism | Symbolic | Symbolically |
247 | Sympathize | Sympathy | Sympathetic | Sympathetically |
248 | Systematize | System, Systematization | Systematic | Systematically |
249 | Talk | Talk, Talks | Talkative | Talkatively |
250 | Taste | Taste | Tasteful, Tasty | Tastefully |
Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs List
sr. | Verbs | Nouns | Adjectives | Adverbs |
251 | Thank | Thanks, Thankfulness | Thankful | Thankfully |
252 | Theorize | Theory, Theorem | Theoretical | Theoretically |
253 | Thicken | Thick, Thickness | Thick | Thickly |
254 | Thin | Thinness | Thin | Thinly |
255 | Think | Thought, Thoughtfulness, | Thoughtful | Thoughtfully |
256 | Threaten | Threat | Threatening | Threateningly |
257 | Tighten | Tightness | Tight | Tight, Tightly |
258 | Tire | Tiredness | Tired, Tiresome, Tiring | Tiredly, Tiresomely |
259 | Touch | Touch | Touched, Touching, Touchy | Touchingly, Touchily |
260 | Trouble | Trouble | Troublesome, Troubling | Troublingly |
261 | Trust, Entrust | Trust, Trusteeship | Trusting, Trustworthy | Trustfully |
262 | Typify | Type | Typical | Typically |
263 | Understand | Understanding | Understandable | Understandably |
264 | Unnerve | Nerve, Nervousness | Nervous, Nervy, | Nervously |
265 | Use | Usage, Use | Used, Useful | Usefully |
266 | Vary | Variant, Variety, Variation | Variable, Varied, Various | Invariably, Variously |
267 | Violate | Violence | Violent | Violently |
268 | Warm | Warmth | Warm | Warmly |
269 | Waste | Wastage, Waste | Waste, Wasteful | Wastefully |
270 | Watch | Watch, Watchfulness | Watchful | Watchfully |
271 | Weaken | Weakness | Weak | Weakly |
272 | Weigh, Outweigh | Weight | Weighty, Weightless | Weightlessly |
273 | Widen | Width | Wide | Widely |
274 | Wonder | Wonder | Wonderful | Wonderfully |
275 | Worry | Worry | Worried, Worrying, Worrisome | Worryingly |
276 | Write, Rewrite | Writing | Written | |
277 | Wrong | Wrong | Wrongful | Wrongly, Wrongfully |
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